...is going down the drain. I really have nothing to blog about. We moved, we're settled (sort of), we just got internet today (...three weeks later...), and I have no pictures to show for it. Bad Hayley.
Soon, hopefully, I will be impressed enough with what I have done with this old mutt of a house to post pictures. But, for right now it's all still missy-matchy, borrowed furniture from this relative and that. Maybe once summer comes, I will have more time to put into it (or not).
But, we're happy. We're in love, and we have each other. Can't ask for more than that.
Don't be impatient about the furniture. We were married two years before we finally bought a piece of our own! Until then it was ugly hand-me-downs. I'm talkin' UGLY. At least you have the creativity to make stuff cute! I'm sure it looks cute. You could always blog about school... or about why you don't like work??? Hang in there!
I love your blog. Please don't give up on it. Also I love you.
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