Saturday, December 27, 2008

Second Beginning

I started this blog one year ago as part of a new years resolution. Minus the "I'm not going to blog anymore" facade I put on a few months back, I think it has been quite the success. But, it is that time, again, to make resolutions. For some reason, even though I make them every year, and every December am always disappointed in myself for the lack of committing to them.. I still enjoy making them!

This year, instead of making a list just of things I [know I wont, but] want to accomplish (ie. lose 10 pounds, run a marathon, eat healthier, get a raise, finish Harry Potter.... the usual), I am dividing my goals into categories. Rules: one per category. It's easier that way.

And here they are, drum roll please.

Money/Material: Save up for my dream camera.

On-Going: Pray on my knees every day.

Crazy sometime in the future: Be in Times Square during the new year.

Family: Respect my parents, love the things that bug me about them.

Friends: Make more, especially girls.

Skills: Learn to cook more/better.

Well-Being: Take up Yoga.

Attitude: Love school and learning.

Not for me: Volunteer at a library.

And there you have it, now it doesn't seem so starry-eyed as in years past. It's doable. It's organized. It's neat. It's GOING to happen.

Now, if I could just get my calendar to be that organized.


Tyler said...

Google Calendar!

Katie Lane said...

Good way to break up your goals, maybe I'll actually set one this year...and reach it HA!

Anonymous said...

Power Yoga! Its like the hawtest class eva.