Monday, September 14, 2009

I went to the fair.

And It scared me. Paying a dollar to stare at the worlds smallest woman just totally depressed me. That poor woman.

And the smells. Ooooh, the smells. Fried everything.

I may or may not have run to the garbage and ralphed in it, it made me that sick.

But, you have to give things a chance before you write them completely off. So I gave the Fair a chance. And now I'm writing it off forever. Goodbye Fair. Sorry future children.


Lindsey said...

You and Tiff hate the fair! C'mon... you should try a deep fried twinkie or snickers... I hear they are good! ;)

Emily said...

Oh that is so sad. Looking at the smallest women! I love the fair, but I don't think I would want to stare at people that have abnormalities.

Caspers, but not the Ghost said...

YOU DID THAT?? we went to the fair too..and i saw that thing, and i just wanted to cry for her. I mean, if that's not rock bottom, i do not know what is. :(