Thursday, August 21, 2008


The following is a compilation of things I simply do not understand.

*College textbooks. $169 for an extra 20 pounds in my backpack. Money well spent.

*Mullets. One sure way to attract the ladies, men.

*Speaking of men... men.

*Why making decisions is as easy for me as growing a beard.

*Michael Phelps being able to eat his so-called 12,000 calories a day and still having that bod.

*Dolly Parton. Who even likes her?

*Marathons. Yet, I am doing one-half of one the day after next.

*Why my dog has repeatedly tried to jump on my lap 8 times in the last 10 minutes.

*Neon green and brown for wedding colors. (No offence...)

*The old people commericals during The Price Is Right.

*Airplanes. Tons and tons gliding through the air, it makes no sense.

*Licorice, bleh.

*Smoking, bleh.

*Stocks. You like, buy one and it like, grows money?

*Why Katy Perry kissed a girl and she liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick. (If you don't know what that means, listen to the radio more)


Emily said...

Hay hay! School makes me mad how much we have to spend. LAMEO. Also, who wants mullets? I hate mullets I despise cutting them, did I tell you that I cut a mullet off some guy that wanted was on accident I swear, but he looked a million times better. Michael Phelps is hot, I wish I could eat that many calories a day and look that good too!

Tiffany said...

Pretty funny, sad, yet all true.

annie valentine said...

I hate that cherry chapstick song, and you should read Dolly Pardon's life story. Cool lady. Cute Hayley.

Katie Lane said...

Funny Funny Hayley. Where did the Dolly Parton comment come from?!

Stacie said...

You know what I don't understand:

The expression "of course". It makes no sense. Why does it mean what it means? The word "of" simply doesn't belong in a statement meaning "obviously" or "yes".